Your Brain on Babies: How Babies Turn You Into a Danger Detector

How do babies change the way we see the world? Caregivers have long known that having a baby nearby changes how we see danger. Popular products like outlet covers and “baby gates” are a testament to just how vigilant parents need to be. Research in our lab is showing that everyone—not just parents—becomes more attuned […]

Babbling elicits learnable language from caregivers

How do languages become learnable for young children? Our latest study,‬ “Immature‬ vocalizations elicit simplified adult speech across multiple languages,” is now out in‬ Current‬ Biology‬!‬  We’ve long known that infants and toddlers are incredible learners. Despite their immaturity, do they play an active role in their learning? We found that the answer is yes. […]

Timing is everything:  Our new paper shows that contingency enables learning from an artificial agent

We have long proposed that infants figure out who and what to learn from by tuning into people and behaviors that are contingently responsive to infants’ own actions (in this case, babbling). This would explain how social behaviors, like language, are prioritized and rapidly learned over the many other sources of stimulation in infants’ environments. […]

Keeping the (proto)conversation going: Our new vocal turn-taking papers highlight the benefits of responding to babbling. 

How we respond to infant babbling matters! Previous work from our lab shows that vocal learning is facilitated by moments when infants receive contingent responses to their babbling. What do protoconversations between prelinguistic infants and caregivers look like? Our lab’s newest papers on vocal turn-taking interactions between infants and their caregivers show that caregivers respond […]

Our new theory paper on how infants learn and communicate

Our new theory paper, Curiosity constructs communicative competence through social feedback loops, is out in Advances in Child Development and Behavior! Humans are vocal learners, meaning we can flexibly adapt our vocalizations as a function of hearing other human’s vocalizations. We put the regularities of caregiver-infant social interactions at the forefront of our theory of […]

Meet Lifespan Labs at Cornell (LiLaC)!

Dear Parents,  We at the B.A.B.Y. Lab are thrilled to introduce an exciting new collaboration between Cornell’s developmental labs – LiLaC, or the Lifespan Labs at Cornell! LiLaC is a collection of labs that study the different stages of human development, from the earliest moments of infancy and childhood to adolescence and adulthood. Together, we […]

B.A.B.Y. Lab at the Sciencenter!

The lab will be at the Sciencenter in Ithaca on Saturday, February 25 at 2 pm for an afternoon of parent-child activities. Let’s build together! We will to share their work on infant and child development through a tower building activity for families. Parents and children will help each other build a tower with spaghetti […]

New paper in Developmental Science

What are the origins of vocal communication in human infants?  In our new paper in Developmental Science, we find that a crucial building block of communicative development is learning that one’s voice has the power to influence others. We show that communicative development originates in adults’ responses to babbling. As infants (2- and 5-month-olds) realize that […]

The BABY Lab is open again!

We are happy to announce that the BABY Lab is now inviting families back into our playroom! When Cornell’s campus closed in March of 2020, we found new ways to ask questions about the development of communication and social learning. Since 2019, we published exciting work on how infants elicit simplified speech from their caregivers […]