Graduate Students

We are currently accepting graduate students. Prospective students can choose to work primarily on human infants, birds, or both. Please contact Michael Goldstein for more information. It is a good idea to first read the Research section of the lab website to see if you are interested in the kind of work that we do. Also, take a look at the graduate program in psychology for more information.
Undergraduate Students

We accept applications for undergraduate research assistants each semester and summer. Research assistants participate in all aspects of the lab, including running experiments, coding infant and/or bird behavior from audio and video tapes, and for those on the infant side of the lab, recruiting new research participants by letter and phone.
We encourage undergraduates to be active participants in the intellectual life of the lab, and to that end we have a weekly lab meeting in which we review data, plan experiments, and discuss a weekly reading assignment. In the past, undergraduates have been co-authors on conference presentations and papers. Some students have gone on to conduct independent research projects in the lab, resulting in an honors thesis and/or opportunities for publication.

Our lab takes a comparative approach, studying both human infants and songbirds. We ask that prospective students indicate on the application which species they are primarily interested in working with, though we welcome and encourage the exchange of ideas across both areas of the lab.
Undergraduate research assistants can obtain up to 4 hours of credit per semester for PSYCH 4700/4710. Psychology majors can count up to 12 hours of 4700/4710 for elective credit. Most students sign up for 3 credit hours, which translate into 10 hours/week in the lab.
If you are interested in becoming part of our research team, please download an application, add your last name to the beginning of the filename, and email it to Michael Goldstein. All our positions are currently full. In early November we will review applications for positions starting in the spring semester of 2025. If you would like to be part of our research team, please submit your application by November 2024.